Cambria USA

Manager, Video


  • Lead in-house and freelance video teams, fostering creativity and collaboration.
  • Oversee end-to-end video production from strategy to post-production.
  • Collaborate with brand and marketing leaders to align video strategies with goals.
  • Manage budgets, optimize expenses, and ensure timely payments.
  • Oversee video archive, repurpose content, and manage MAM system.
  • Maintain production calendars and streamline workflows.
  • Ensure quality multimedia production at scale.
  • Mentor and develop creative talent through coaching and feedback.

Content is good. More content is better.

As the team video lead, Tyler consistently moved the goal post year after year, pushing the productivity of the team to always be improving.

The team doubled it’s creative output year over year for four straight years – all without adding a single person to the team.

Social video is not an afterthought.

Our team has evolved the way we capture content. 

We abandoned the idea of cropping in on horizontal video and we avoid “cutdowns” of longer form content whenever possible. We shoot vertical content on vertical cameras with scripts and concepts adapted for the short form. This makes our content better suited to each platform and audience.

Family Owned, American Made

We tell the story of Cambria

Cambria has a reputation for quality, reliability, and for valuing their partners. There is no better way to tell that story than through video.



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